Sunday, August 11, 2024

ChromeStrike (0.9.93b)

Small update to fix some typos and unclear rules that were pointed out to me. See last version for more detailed thoughts and commentary on the recent changes.

Here's the new version.


Fixed the Kneel manuever incorrectly requiring Biped legs specifically; now also mentions Quad/Hexa legs

Secondary Arms are now explicitly mentioned as not being able to Reload

Storage Tanks now increase the shots of a turret-arm weapon by 150% (up from 100%)

Added the AL-01b battlesuit because I could

Added explicit Difficult and Impassible Terrain rules to the Movement Manuever in the main rules section, absolutely not stolen from a GM's feedback

Rewrote the effects of the All Terrain Module and renamed it from 'ATM'


  1. Hey, you can't steal what's freely offered! This all looks good, and love the quadruped battlesuit - another thing very useful to one of my players, and their attempts to design walking atrocities for mass production.

    I did have a question on the storage tanks (partly tying into my comment on the last one, about which I was not clear) - would the storage tank be able to increase the number of shots on a shoulder-mounted weapon? In my game, we have a mech with turret arms, and also two mortars on its back. The fact mortars are Magazine weapons was something of a surprise to me, but I was wondering how it would work with them.

    I saw your request for MechList Pilots and will definitely be hitting up my players for their offers. I also have a few NPCs I'd be happy to offer up, too, though I will have to see about finding some art for them. Between our mercenary group, the various others established in our setting, and the elite corporate death squads I've statted up, I have quite a range to pick from.

    1. In hindsight mortars probably shouldn't be magazine weapons, yeah. I'll probably just keep the Storage Tank rules as is but remove the ability to reload the Mortar. Simpler that way. Maybe an upgraded variant called a Howitzer while I'm at it.

      While I have access to paid sources for image generation, bing/create is pretty serviceable (if limited) for making easy character art. And art isn't technically needed anyways. I'll happily take what I can get.

  2. I want to thank you once again for the Photon Beam Emitter. I'm a player in Imikari's campaign, and through a combination of an EWAR, PBE, Incendiary Cannon and Targeting Laser I have become the Debuff Queen. It's revolting and I absolutely, absolutely love being able to play the monstrous support mech that makes our team tick.

    1. You are very welcome. Hearing about builds people enjoy is always amusing to me. When I think of support builds I think like targeting lasers, C&C nodes, more typical stuff like you could have seen in a commander build from ChromeHounds. Yours is more aggressive and novel than that. Sounds absolutely revolting, yes.
