Friday, September 28, 2012

ChromeStrike Beta (0.9.78)

ChromeStrike sort of went into a hiatus after testers lost interest and I became unavailable, but our bit of campaigning did shine a spotlight on some issues.  As it turns out folks are still interested in the project- so I felt that I owe those people a fixed up rulebook.  To make things easier I've also gone ahead and programmed editable spreadsheets for making characters and mechs.  No more notepad.  Here you are.

Rulebook- 0.9.78



Example campaign worked on

Arona Cantrell and Thorsten Dolgorukov added

Monoc Model 01 "Sentinel" added
---You thought the typo Mustang mech was bad?

Enemy attribute typos have been fixed, recalculated
 ---Mostly the CT-01 "Mustang" and Missile mech

Misc typos fixed

Spreadsheet for making characters and mechs added to .zip